About us Our story Our story Our story is their story At Birchwood we provide vital support and accommodation services for vulnerable people at critical points in their lives. We began our journey working with people facing homelessness in West-Lancashire more than thirty years ago. Many of the people we work with need support to manage their emotional health and well-being. In fact, we know that: 75% suffer from anxiety 62% from depression 28 % experience self-harm 65% develop negative coping strategies In response to these needs we developed a wide range of holistic support services, designed to meet the needs of both young people and adults too. Over the years we began to expand our work into the local community. We identified that there were significant unmet needs for vulnerable people with mental health issues in the area. Our services have grown and developed over time, reaching out to more people through our counselling services, mediation services, therapeutic accommodation, dispersed services in the community, support with employment, training and our brilliant Junk Food Cafe, to name but a few. We aim to work with people in a way that inspires, challenges and encourages our clients at key transition points in their lives. Our work is never done. We are always keeping our ear to the ground, responding to local need and working with people, partners and the wider community to make a lasting difference.