Café Birchwood role Café Birchwood Our café has a simple mission: To intercept surplus food that would otherwise end up in landfill or go to waste and turn it into a delicious three course meal. People come to our cafe, make new friends, connect with their community and enjoy some tasty food. We are always looking for new volunteers to help in the kitchen, set up the Café and connect with our customers. Volunteering at Café Birchwood is a great way to meet new people, make friend sand give something back to your community. The team are really friendly and supportive – so why not give it go? Our cafe runs at two different venues every week from 12-1, so why don't you come along and see what it’s all about? Monday from 5-6 and on Wednesday: Tanhouse Community Centre: Ennerdale, Tanhouse WN86AN from 12-1 Friday: The Zone: Yeadon in the town centre 12-1. Hope to see you there! For more information contact the team at Birchwood on 01695 728391